nah. gue mau bagi2 sdikit nih combo skill ~ skill nya..
~ Counter helix / rot + blood bath. gk bkal abis~abis nih hp klo pnya 2 skill inie gan..
~ enchan totem (earthsaker) + jinada (gondar) / coup the grace (mortred) . klo dah lvlup critt bisa nympe 1500
~ over power (ursa) + impetus (enchantress) + take aim (sniper).
~ aphotic shield / repel + double edge +
~ shadowraze (nevermore) + essence aura (destroyer)
~ nature guise (trean protector) + skiil nembak aktip (ex = poison attack, burning spear) . combo skil ini buat ngebug. jadi nembak tapi gk keliatan musuh.
~ timelock + greater bash . dijamin gk bakal gerak hero musuh klo pke skill inie. cman attack speednay mesti GG.
~ permanent invisibe (rikimaru) + purification (omniknight)
~ burrowstrike + hoof stomp + ravage . jamin gak bakal gerak hero musuh
~ decrepy (pugna) + laguna / finger of death
~ furry swipe (ursa) + focus fire (windruner)
~ mines (techies) + vacuum (darkser)
~ suicude(techies)+ ulti magnus
~ wind walk (clink) + exorcim (krobelus)
~ mana burn (magina) + focus fire
~ ion shell + permanent invisble
~ essence shift + markmanship
~hunter in the night + skill bash (greater bash nya barathum, time lock, dll )
- suicude (techies) + rencarnation (skeleton king)
- web (broodmother) + eye of strom (razor) = BUG
- blink (magina) + hoofstomp (centaur)
- mirror image (naga siren) + juxtapoxe ( phantom lancer) + conjure image (terrorblade) = skill bayangan semua gan ^_^. bingung pasti musuh yg mana yg asli
- meathook (butcher) + blink (magina) = blink dlu ke pohon-pohon. terus tarik hero musuh. dijamin nyangkut gan. ^_^. blink lgi dah. klo engga hajar ditempat.
- furryswipe (ursa) + blink strike (mortred)
- tide bringer + enchan totem + jinada = skill yang paling ane suka gan. 1 kali tebas pada sekarat musuh
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